<< plib_database

Python Library HappyBase

HappyBase is a user-friendly interface to HBase which utilizes the Thrift gateway.

To interact with HBase, we first connect to the NameNode server:

import happybase
connection = happybase.Connection('hostname', port=9090)

where the port 9090 is the default port for Thrift service.

Now we can create table:

        'cf1': dict(max_versions=10),
        'cf2': dict(max_versions=1, block_cache_enabled=False),
        'cf3': dict()

connect to table:

test_table = connection.table('test')

put data:

        'cf1: name': 'Robert',
        'cf1: age':  '20'

Note that the keys and values of the data dictionary can only be str or bytes.