<< php_framwork

DataBase Operations

# Table Object Select

The table is modeled as an object, the table name is converted to camel-case automatically. E.G. user_base is modeled as UserBase. You can also get the table object from method of Db module, by using the table method Db::table('table_name'). This is somehow a functional approach.

# Record Access

Three parameters style are suppoted in the get method of table object database:

// By Primary Key
$user = User::get(1);

// By Condition
$user = User::get(['name': 'admin']);

// Closure style supported more operation than array, which only considered the array as a where condition.
$user = User::get(function($query){
    $query->where('name', 'admin');

ThinkPHP construction the dynamic query method for each column:

// Dynamic query only support single data query.
$user = User::getByName('admin');

get and getByColumn query returns as a object, subscripting approach is also supported.

$user->id;  // same as $user['id'];

Using alternatives inside the model implementation:

$this->getAttr('name');  // processed by ACCESSOR.
$this->getData('name');  // raw data

Using all method, correspondent to get.

// By Primary Key
$users = User::all([1,2,3]); // or string '1,2,3'

// By Condition
$users = User::all(['status'=>1]);
$users = User::all(function($query) {
    $query->where('status', 1)->limit(3)->order('id', 'asc');

Using where statement(see next section).

Multiple data query returns an array of object.

foreach ($users as $user){
    echo $user->name;
# Where
Simple Equal Condition Case
// Single field
$User::where('id', 10)->select();

// Multi field combined with `and` logic.
$where['id'] = $id;
$where['username'] = $username;
tp5: Chain Style

3. Where

tp3: Array Style
// Single Condition Query
$where['id'] = array('lt', 100);

// Mutli Condition Query
$where['id'] = array(array('lt', 100), array('neq', 6));
$where['id'] = array(array('lt', 100), array('gt', 500), 'or');

// Multi Field (Complex Logic Relation) Query
$where['id'] = $id;
$where['username'] = $username;
$where['_logic'] = 'or';

// `_complex` is required if such complex relation which involves 3 or more fields is introduced.
$base_where['id'] = $id;
$base_where['username'] = $username;
$base_where['_logic'] = 'or';
$where['_complex'] = 

Supported Conditional List:

Expression Meaning
eq equal
neq not equal
gt greater than
egt greater then or equal
lt less than
elt less than or equal
[not] between (not) in the interval
[not] in (not )in the given list
like fuzzy query
exp any valid SQL query expression

Some Shortcuts Field


// Use `_string` to manually construct sql query
$where['id'] = array('lt', 100);
$where['_string'] = 'status=1 AND score>10';
// Equivalent to $where['_string'] = array('exp', 'status=1 AND score>10')


// Use `_query` to simulate passing url parameters
// As a result, only equal condition is supported
$where['id'] = array('lt', 100);
$where['_query'] = 'status=1&score=10&_logic=or';
Not Recommend: String Style
// Pure String

// String Concatenation
$User::where('id=%d and username=%s', array($id, $username));
$Uesr::where('id=%d and username=%s', $id, $username);