<< css

CSS Basic

1. CSS Basic Concept

# CSS Definition

Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) define the displaying style of HTML elements. The introduction of CSS seperates sesemantics and style.

You can define the style of HTML elements in four places with CSS:

  1. Inline style inside elements properties.

  2. Internal stylesheet <style>, defined inside <head>:

    <style type="text/css"></style>
  3. External stylesheet included by <link>, defined inside <head>:

    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" herf=css_href />

The priority decreases from top to down. Additionally, the default style defined by the browser has the lowest priority.

# CSS Statement Format

A CSS statement constructed by a selector and multiple key-values pairs, called declarations. The selector filter those elements that apply declarations.

selector {
    property1: "value";
    property2: "value with space";

All the values shall be surrounded by quotes, although the quotes can be omitted if no space inside value.

When we use inline style by applying style property, there is no need to set the selector. The inline style looks like

<tag style="property1: 'value'; property2: 'value with space'"></tag>
# CSS Hierarchy

The child elements will automatically inherit styles from their parent. Create a new statement in the child element again to override the inheritance.

2. CSS Selector

# Basic Selector

The simplist selectors are the element type, such as p, h1.

# Grouping Selector

The comma-separated selector list selects the union of each selector. For example, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 select all levels of title.

# CSS Combinator

The combinator or contextual selector selects elements not only based on themselves but the context. There are four types of combinator in CSS.

Note that in all the combinators only e2 get selected, while h1 is the context.

# Attribute Selector

The id selector #id selects element with specific id.

The class selector .class selects elements with specific class.

Generally, attribute selector [name = value] selects the attribute with given property name/value pair. Note that there is no need to quote the property value in attribute selector. If =value is omitted, the selector selects all the elements with that property regardless the values. Some regular expression can be applied to attribute selector.

# Combination of Selectors

All the selectors can be combined. For example, the selector

#h1.title > h3.subtitle

will select all the h3 with class subtitle as the direct child of h1 with class title.

3. CSS Styles

# CSS Background Style

Introduce properties about background, includes background-color, background-image and background-repeat.

The background-color and background-image property, as named, sets the background color and image respectively. These two properties can be applied to any elements ==CITATION NEEDED==. The corresponding deperated HTML properties are bgcolor and background.

The background-color and background-image are not inherited. When we set the color of parent element, it seems that it is inherited by the children since the the default value of background-color is transparent hence the color from parent element are shown.

Use background-repeat property to change the way image tiles. The default value is repeat.

background-repeat value Description
repeat Repeated both vertically and horizontally
no-repeat No repeat
repeat-y Repeated vertically only
repeat-x Repeated horizontally only
# CSS Border Style

Border can be applied to most of the HTML elements. Border includes three properties:

You can set the three properties respectively

    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 5px;
    border-color: #0000FF;

or join them as a single border property:

    border: solid 5px 0000FF;

Since the three properties are with different forms, the CSS analyser will interpret based on form. Hence the order is arbitrary.

If you want to hide the border, set border-style: none. The border-width: 0 will look the same but may waste computation resource of browser.

A element has borders in four direction:

We can set them respectively and each can also be divided into style, width and color properties.

    border-top-style: solid;
    border-top-width: 3px;
/* equivalent to */
    border-top: solid 3px;