<< c_concurrency


1. C MPI Introduction

# C MPI Demo Code

The mpi_demo.c is given to illustrate the fundamental structure of a C MPI program.

# C MPI Compiling

To compile the MPI program, use mpicc, a wrapper of gcc, which links to the headers and libraries that MPI required automatically:

mpicc -g -Wall -o mpi_demo mpi_demo.c

Use mpiexec to run the MPI program:

mpiexec -n <number-of-processes> ./mpi_demo

here -n option sets the the number of processes it establishes.

# Naming Convention

The object name defined by MPI obey the two form:

By following the naming convention, one can easily tell whether an object is defined by MPI.

2. C MPI Fundamental Workflow

# MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize

MPI_Init initialize the MPI system:

int MPI_Init(
    int*        argc_p      /* in/out */
    char***     argv_p      /* in/out */

The parameters argc_p, argv_p are pointers to argc and argv. Set NULL if not used.

After all MPI operations finished, use MPI_Finalize to do the clean up:

int MPI_Finalize(void);

All MPI operations should be invoked only between MPI_Init and MPI_Finalize.

# MPI Communicator

A MPI communicator is a collection of processes that can send messages to each other. The special global communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD consists all of the running programs, which is craeted by MPI_Init.

The communicator must be specified when send or receive messages. The propose of MPI communicator is creating a “communication space”, avoiding accidentally send or receive to wrong processes.

# Communicator Configuration Retriving

The functions MPI_Comm_size and MPI_Comm_rank get number of processes and the rank of current process of given communicator comm.

int MPI_Comm_size(
    MPI_Comm    comm        /* in */
    int*        comm_sz_p   /* out */
int MPI_Comm_rank(
    MPI_Comm    comm        /* in */
    int*        my_rank_p   /* out */

For example, the mpi_demo.c use

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_sz);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);

to the number of processes and current process rank in global communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD.

# MPI_Send

The MPI_Send and MPI_Recv is a pair for communication. MPI_Send send message to the recevier:

int MPI_Send(
    void* msg_buf_p,                /* in */
    int msg_size,                   /* in */
    MPI_Datatype msg_type,          /* in */
    int dest,                       /* in */
    int tag,                        /* in */
    MPI_Comm communicator           /* in */

The first three parameters msg_buf_p, msg_size and msg_type determine the connect of message, and the last three parameters dest, tag and communicator determine the determination of message.

MPI_Recv receive the message sent by MPI_Send:

int MPI_Recv(
    void*           msg_buf_p,      /* out */
    int             buf_size,       /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    buf_type,       /* in */
    int             source,         /* in */
    int             tag,            /* in */
    MPI_Comm        communicator,   /* in */
    MPI_Status*     status_p        /* out */

To receive from specific source/tag, the parameters shall be set properly corespondingly in the receiver side. While there may be some cases that multiple senders might send messages in unpredicatable sequence, that is, we do not know which sender might send the message first.

In such case the wildcard constants MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG can be filled to the source and tag parameter, which allows messages from any sources or any tags (in specified communicator) to be received. There is no a wildcard for communicator, that is, the communicator must always be specified.

When we filled source/tag with wildcard, status_p can be used to get the information about the source/tag, by examing its properties:

MPI_Status status;


The retrieve of data size requires a function invocation:

int MPI_Get_count (
    MPI_Status      status_p    /* in */,
    MPI_Datatype    type        /* in */,
    int*            count_p     /* out */
# MPI_Datatype

MPI_Datatype use to represent the type in C:

MPI_Datatype C Datatype
MPI_CHAR signed char
MPI_SHORT signed short int
MPI_INT signed int
MPI_LONG signed long int
MPI_LONG_LONG signed long long int
MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR unsigned char
MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT unsigned short int
MPI_UNSIGNED unsigned int
MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG unsigned long int
MPI_LONG_DOUBLE long double


The output file descriptor is avaliable for all the processors, while the input can only be read by process with rank 0(the “controller” process). Some functions must be defined by the user to pass the input from process 0 into other processes.

4. C MPI Collective Communication

# MPI Data Reduction

MPI_Reduce collects the data in all the processes and reduce them by predefined operator, which encapsulates the process about manually construct propogation tree:

int MPI_Reduce(
    void*           input_data_p,   /* in */
    void*           output_data_p,  /* out */
    int             count,          /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    datatype,       /* in */
    MPI_Op          operator,       /* in */
    int             dest_process,   /* in */
    MPI_Comm        comm            /* in */

To use the collective communication properly, note the following rules:

Since no tag is provided in the collective communication, if multiple communication are called, the mapping is simply depends on the order, for example:

Time Process 0 Process 1 Process 2
0 a = 1, c = 2 a = 1, c = 2 a = 1, c = 2
1 MPI_Reduce(&a, &b, ...) MPI_Reduce(&c, &d, ...) MPI_Reduce(&a, &b, ...)
2 MPI_Reduce(&c, &d, ...) MPI_Reduce(&a, &b, ...) MPI_Reduce(&c, &d, ...)

Assume process 0 is configured as the destination, the final output will be b=1+2+1=4 and d=2+1+2=5.

When using MPI_Reduce, the output_data_p is only avaliable for the one process that set to be the dest_process. To make all the processes get the output, use MPI_Allreduce:

int MPI_Allreduce(
    void*           input_data_p,   /* in */
    void*           output_data_p,  /* out */
    int             count,          /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    datatype,       /* in */
    MPI_Op          operator        /* in */
    MPI_Comm        comm            /* in */

The only difference in the argument list is that Allreduce does not require dest_process since all processes shall get the output.

# MPI_Op

The list of operators supported by MPI:

Operator Interpretation
MPI_MAX maximum
MPI_MIN minimum
MPI_PROD product
MPI_LAND logical and
MPI_BAND bitwise and
MPI_LOR logical or
MPI_BOR bitwise or
MPI_LXOR logical exclusive or
MPI_BXOR bitwise exclusive or
MPI_MAXLOC maximum and location of maximum
MPI_MINLOC minimum and location of mimimum
# Data Distribution

There are two basic approaches to distribute components of data into processes:

# MPI Data Distribution

Distribution is simply the reverse of reduction, boardcast is simply the reverse of reduce:

int MPI_Bcast (
    void*           data_p,     /* in/out */
    int             count,      /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    datatype,   /* in */
    int             source_proc,/* in */
    MPI_Comm        comm,       /* in */

which boardcast the data_p into all process in communicator comm.

Bcast just simply send all the processes with the same data, to distribute the data to processes as different components, the MPI_Scatter function is designated:

int MPI_Scatter (
    void*           send_buf_p, /* in */
    int             send_count, /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    send_type,  /* in */
    void*           recv_buf_p, /* out */
    int             recv_count, /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    recv_type,  /* in */
    int             src_proc,   /* in */
    MPI_Comm        comm        /* in */

Correspondingly, the MPI_Gather function gather all the components:

int MPI_Gather(
    void*           send_buf_p, /* in */
    int             send_count, /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    send_type,  /* in */
    void*           recv_buf_p, /* out */
    int             recv_count, /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    recv_type,  /* in */
    int             dest_proc,  /* in */
    MPI_Comm        comm        /* in */

and MPI_Allgather to gather the components to all nodes:

int MPI_Allgather(
    void*           send_buf_p, /* in */
    int             send_count, /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    send_type,  /* in */
    void*           recv_buf_p, /* out */
    int             recv_count, /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    recv_type,  /* in */
    MPI_Comm        comm        /* in */

5. MPI Derived Datatype

Use MPI_Type_create_struct to build a derived datatype that consists of individual elements that have different basic types:

int MPI_Type_create_struct (
    int             count,                      /* in */
    int             array_of_blocklengths[],    /* in */
    MPI_Aint        array_of_displacemetns[],   /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    array_of_types[],           /* in */
    MPI_Datatype    new_type_p                  /* out */

Before use the datatype we msut first commit it:

int MPI_Type_commit(
    MPI_Datatype*   new_mpi_t_p     /* in/out */
int MPI_Type_free(
    MPI_Datatype*   old_mpt_t_p     /* in/out */

Here is a demo to illustrate the workflow:

MPI_Aint a_addr, b_addr, n_addr;

int array_of_blocklengths[3] = {1, 1, 1};
int array_of_displacement[3];

MPI_Get_address(&a, &a_addr);
array_of_displacements[0] = 0;
MPI_Get_address(&b, &b_addr);
array_of_displacements[1] = b_addr - a_addr;
MPI_Get_address(&n, &n_addr);
array_of_displacements[2] = n_addr - b_addr;

MPI_Datatype input_mpi_t;
MPI_Type_craete_struct(3, array_of_blocklengths, array_of_displacements, array_of_types, &input_mpi_t);


// ...


6. MPI Performace Evaluation